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Home / Testimonials / Confectioneries / 'Adria Grande'
,,You can taste our ice creams and desserts in our confectionary Adria Grande in Golden Apple in the centre of Zlín."
Hotels and restaurants3
Ice-cream kiosks3
Shopping malls2
OC Olympia, Brno
"We are very satisfied with corporation. Ice cream is delicious with large variety of flavours, so the customers can always choose what they like. Moreover, Adria Gold produces ice cream without lactose and gluten free. Customers are always coming back and we are happy for that."
Velká Mikulášská 4/40, Znojmo
Valašská Polanka 103, 756 11
,,Cooperation with Adria Gold team (especially with Mr. Pešl) is on a very high level. He is always open-minded, devoted and ready to help us anytime. As for the products, it is clear that Adria Gold prefers quality to quantity. All our customers are satisfied."
Mariánské nám. 2371, Uherský Brod
,,We are extremely satisfied with Adria Gold products from the very beginning of our confectionary and we also believe it will stay that way for a long time. We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Král, who takes care about us."
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